

     Sitting on my patio, I hear the incessant chatter of this year’s gathering of hummingbirds. The increase in number of late as they migrate through is but proof that summer is drawing to a close. Fall’s arrival will soon be announced with the gorgeous yellows, reds and oranges of the season as the leaves change colors and pumpkins appear on the scene. It seems like only yesterday that colors of spring and every flower imaginable were the landscape before me. Before you know it, turkeys will be baking and Christmas presents will be wrapped, and then we will start all over again with a new year.  My question for you is, “Where did the time go and have I made the most of each day, each season, this year? How has God blessed me and have I been a blessing to others?”
     The furious feeding frenzy of the hummingbirds around my head reminds me how difficult a task it has become for us to take even a moment for reflection on the questions placed before you. Why? The answer lies not with the fleeting personality we attribute to time but with the choices we make in the spending of it. If you have ever observed hummingbirds for long, you notice that often their constant, humming motion is filled more with fighting each other than actually feeding on the sweet nectar provided in the feeders.The little fellows miss the blessing of provision altogether.
    Without a doubt, our ability to read this in itself is confirmation that we have been graciously blessed by God in this past year, but, in our own feeding frenzy on things of this world, we’ve neglected to acknowledge the fullness of God’s tailor-made blessings, overflowing in our lives each day. There is always time to squeeze in just about anything we choose.  When was the last time you chose God for that next entry on your already overburdened calendar for a time of reflection, fellowship, and praise for God’s goodness and love.
     Proverbs 11:25 states,”The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed; those who help others are helped.” How awesome is that! A gift in return for the gift of blessing others! This brings us to our other question? Have I put my selfish desires on hold and ministered, prayed for, found some way to be a blessing to others? With our blinders of self-focus removed, it will take but a quick glance around us to see people in need. That blessing could be anything from a smile or a listening ear to the meeting of physical needs. Hopefully you are now smiling as you think of ways you have been used by God in recent days. Allow me to encourage you to continue and give thanks for the promised blessings you will receive in return.
     This has been written with the hope that you will be encouraged to live each day to its full potential.  Be watchful and eager to be a blessing to others as well as continually thankful for God’s blessings bestowed on you. The blur with which your days have been passing can become sharp and clear with the purpose. Life will take on a new significance, and your relationship with God will become sweeter as the days go by. Refuse to live in fast forward and choose to rest daily in the presence of God. To God Be the Glory! 



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