Fleeting Moments

     This morning found me wide awake before the crack of dawn.  After tossing and turning for about fifteen minutes, I paused and began an early morning conversation with God. The house was quiet, and the opportunity golden to pray for needs the Lord had brought before me this week.  When my list was exhausted, I availed myself to some listening time to see if God had a word for me.  At the first sign of light outside my bedroom window, I sensed the Lord encouraging me to rise to begin my day.

     Upon leaving my practically dark bedroom where the windows are covered with draperies, I stepped into the kitchen area.  My attention was immediately directed to a bright shade of pink being cast into the room from a reflection off the lake. The water was aglow in a way that I had never seen it before.  My camera lives one grasp away from my back patio door, always on the ready for whatever work of art God has waiting for me outside. Today His masterpiece was that of a sunrise so pink that it was practically unbelievable!
     Immediately, I began snapping pictures.  There is one thing I have learned the hard way about beauty such as this whether it is a sunrise or a sunset or a bluebird perched on a fence.  The moments are fleeting and must be captured quickly. As you see below, by the time I had made my third picture, the sky had completely changed and there was no evidence of the breathtaking moment I had just witnessed.
     How similar is life?  Not a moment that passes can be recaptured, not an opportunity regained. How many of these moments and opportunities are scattered in our path by God to be seized for His glory, to lift up someone who is hurting, to share the love of God with one who is lost. And, if not acted upon, the moment is often gone just as the temporary beauty on the horizon this morning.
     Friends, be on the ready, ever observant of the people and situations you encounter each day. As quickly as I reached for my camera this morning, you reach for God’s guidance and wisdom so that you can be used mightily by Him and for His kingdom.  God bless! To God Be the Glory.  

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