Feeling fenced In?


Max(This is our “empty nest child” Max. You will barely get a glimpse of him in the archived post I am directing you to today. Here he is in all his glory.

Today I would like to direct you to a post in the archives on March 12, 2011. It is entitled “Don’t Fence Me In.” This was one of the first few posts I ventured out to write. Writing seemed a bit pretentious for me initially. It is quite daunting a task, often seeming somewhat futile when God has gifted so many others with this gift who write with a depth and grace with words that I know I do not have.

However, God continues to answer my questions to Him about this with a simple whisper of “write.”  Many of us have said that if God would clearly make the answer we need appear on a wall before us then we could proceed. This moment came for me while watching the movie “The Book Thief.” The word “WRITE” in all caps was literally written on a wall during the movie and seemed to jump off the screen to me! I knew in that moment God was speaking to me because of some conversations we had been having. Perhaps this was another “God wink.”

Therefore, I will continue to write and pray that God in some way uses these posts for His glory.  Thank you for reading. I am forever amazed at the foreign countries that appear in my stats.  To those of you, may we meet some day in heaven! Enjoy the “Don’t Fence Me In.” To God Be the Glory!


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