What Brings You Joy?


On the first day with blue skies after endless days of rain, there it was…the first bluebird of many that will visit my backyard this spring and summer. I have been watching and waiting! Just the sight of one brings me joy! Nothing can compare with that beautiful color of blue with which they are graced. Each year I attempt to capture that in a photograph. I never feel like I do their beauty justice.

IMG_7254What makes you joyful? Have you taken the time in this hectic, fast paced world recently to give that any thought? What is your equivalent of my bluebird? It is out there for you if you pause to take notice. It could be the laughter of a child, the beauty of a sunset, the colors of Spring as the flowers begin to bloom, a rainbow. Only you can answer that question.

God loves us and I believe He blesses us with these moments of beauty to remind us of Him and to encourage us in our daily lives.“The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.” (Psalm 29:11) What a shame it is that we are often too busy to notice, to be on watch, to anticipate these opportunities.

Time to lift your head and take notice! The first time you see God working to provide that twinkling of joy tailored specifically for you, you will be hooked. You will feel the delight of His presence and the love of a Father as you see Him in that instant. You will smile; you will be inspired to sharpen your watchfulness. You will find yourself being thankful and drawn into a deeper relationship with Him which only brings more joy!

I pray that today you look up to see your “bluebird.” May God bless you in your search. “When the cares of my heart are so many, your consolations cheer my soul.” (Psalms 94:19) To God Be the Glory!

(Click on picture for better clarity.  Thanks)

2 thoughts on “What Brings You Joy?

  1. Patricia Sanford

    Amy, your devotionals lift me daily. Thank you for writing. One of my joys is a big hug from my little redhead, Skyler.


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