Jesus…Come Rain or Come Shine

IMG_2230_edited-1What beautiful flowers and creations of nature God put on this earth for us to enjoy! The two pictures included in this post were taken in the same location exactly one year apart. In the first picture, Spring was in full bloom and the sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. The second picture was taken on a rainy day with Spring delayed by a Winter refusing to relinquish its hold over the weather patterns. The flowers were timidly postponing their arrival. The scene was completely different.

However, regardless of the weather, there is beauty to be found in both photographs. I want to share with you today how I think that this same concept applies to us as children of God, living through the transitions of seasons in our lives.

We have all been blessed with those picture perfect times in our lives when things are going well overall. Our path is graced with sunshine, we are flourishing, life is good! We are accompanied by others who make the journey sweeter. God is blessing us in great and mighty ways. His presence is palpable. Hopefully, we are praising Him every step of the way for His grace and mercy.

Then, as in the second picture, there IMG_7222are the not so lovely times. Conditions are cloudy, cold and dreary. Teardrops accompany the raindrops falling from heaven. The sun has taken a holiday which sometimes turns into an extended vacation. Difficulties, loneliness and pain are our not so savory companions. However, because there is God, there is still beauty. He is as ever-present, ever blessing in these times as well. And, yes, hopefully we are still praising Him every step of the way.

Though it is standing alone and in the rain, look how beautiful this single flower looks as you can discern even the tiniest droplets of rain collecting on its petals. There is untold beauty to be found in the Lord when we draw close to Him through the rain, through the tears. There our relationship grows sweeter as He imparts to us so many pearls of wisdom about life, mercy, unconditional love and amazing grace. He so gently wipes the tears from our eyes. That, too is a beautiful picture!

Then, when the sun returns, we emerge stronger, with a testimony of God’s goodness, with pearls of wisdom to share with whomever He places in our paths. God never wastes a hurt. “Praise be to the God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

It all boils down to this. God is there with us through the good times and the bad. It rests on us to be watchful for Him no matter what our circumstances. As His love is never-changing, our commitment should be unwavering. Sometimes, the storm take us so by surprise that we think we can’t see Him in the darkness of the clouds and pouring rain. But rest assured, my friend, He is there, shielding you from the storm. Do not hesitate to speak His name. There is much power in the name of Jesus!

“To every thing there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) May your days be sunny and your landscape beautiful. But when it is not, enjoy the sound of the rain on the roof, the closeness of a Heavenly Father, and the healing power of your beautiful Savior.

(Click on the pictures for better clarity!)

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