The Maker Loves You!

Hello, All! Today I will share a few words, but the centerpiece of this post is the song “The Maker” by Chris August. This song makes my spirit soar each time I hear it! The words are such an awesome reminder of how very much God loves us. Maybe in our heads we compute this truth, but has the full knowledge of that glorious love made it to the very recesses of your heart, where on even the most difficult of days you lean into that love?roses and Bible vs.

Where does your mind go when storms come your way as you are traveling down life’s road? Suddenly hydroplaning and out of control you might possibly land a ditch. The storm in this case could represent a lost job, the death of a loved, a health crisis, financial problems, or any of a multitude of things that take you by surprise, and I don’t mean in a good way. Let’s say that the ditch represents our pain, despair, anger, and hopelessness…our reaction to the storm.

Because of our knowledge of the love of God, our first response should be to place a 911 prayer call to Him. He is not surprised by your reactions, your questions, your total shock at the situation.  He simply wants you to bring all of that to Him where He can love you through the storm and reach down to pull you out of the ditch where Satan would love to keep you wallowing in the mud of self-pity and doubt.

Don’t waste a second. God in His love is reaching down to pull you close to Him.  Grab His hand. Reach for His word, the Bible, filled with His promises for every situation. The Maker loves you, sent His son to pay the price of your sins, and He has a good purpose for your life. May this song remind you of the depth of His love that never fails. See God in the sunrise, the rain, the laughter and the pain. Thank Him, praise Him, fall in love with Him! “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”  (Psalm 103: 11-12) To God Be the Glory!







2 thoughts on “The Maker Loves You!

  1. Anonymous

    Amy, I always get such a boost when I read you words and the messages you convey. Seems like they hit a place where I need them most! Thank you, Sister. (A little aside here, the picture of the rose on the fence – did you know that it is a Peggy Martin “found” rose and I am going to be rooting a bunch of cuttings this fall, God willing. Would you like one?) Kay

    1. presson1 Post author

      Thanks so much for reading and for the words of encouragement! You are too sweet! Yes, I would like some of those cuttings. I took this picture on Wooded Drive from my car. They are just beautiful. Have a great week!


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