Finding Your Smile :)

Life of late has left me looking for my smile. Does that make sense to any of you?  If you have  read either of the previous two posts, you know our vacation did not find us returning home refueled and refreshed.  We only seemed to be met with one problem after another upon our arrival.IMG_9360

In my heart, I know that God wants us to give thanks in all things.  I start each morning when my smile doesn’t want to get out of bed by making myself thank God one by one for His many blessings. So, so many things for which I have to be thankful. I am blessed beyond measure, but sometimes, somehow despite knowing this, my joy gets buried in all the “stuff” life throws at me.

Today, God knew I need a little extra TLC and some coaxing to pull my smile to the surface. As I walked toward the ducks anxiously awaiting their morning allotment of corn, these four itsy bitsy ducklings appeared from behind their mom. You just have to smile when you see something this cute.  I had given up on seeing any babies this year.  They usually come earlier in the spring.  Yet, here they were right when God knew I would need them.

IMG_9352Psalm 66:17 says this, “For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke.”  It was not by accident that this was the verse of the day on the Christian radio station I listen to.  It was affirmation of what I had been doing and encouragement to continue praising as I cry out. And again I smiled because I could feel the presence of God and His love for me.

Now, I will leave you with a few quotes to promote a little more smiling on your part as well as mine.  However, remember joy that comes from an ongoing, personal relationship with God, will always be the best, most reliable source of any and all smiles.  Share a smile with someone today. It may speak volumes to the recipient! To God Be the Glory!

Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. ~Mother Teresa

I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful. ~Author Unknown

Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it. ~Author Unknown





2 thoughts on “Finding Your Smile :)

  1. Patricia Sanford

    Amy, you make me smile every time I read your Blog. You are such an inspiration….and so real. You don’t make your life seem as if it is a bed of roses every minute. God gives us down times to draw us closer to Him and that is when we are closest to Him. Know I am praying for your family……and especially Ben. Continue to bring encouragement to your readers.
    Psalm 18:28 You O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.”
    Great is His faithfulness. I love you, Patricia

    1. presson1 Post author

      Thanks so much for your comments! Just when I think no one is reading you leave the sweetest words of encouragement. Thanks for praying for Ben. I have been praying for Autumn. Love you!


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