A Perspective On Time

clocksWill I or won’t I? Four weeks ago I was notified that I had been chosen for jury duty. I am planner, and being in a month-long limbo that boils down to a phone call on this Sunday night which decides how I spend the next week of my life just wears me out!

Plans have to be made for work coverage regardless of the message on the Sunday night phone recording.  Schedules change. Routine goes out the window. I am not a fan of change.

Sounds silly that a disruption like this, me performing my civic duty, should cause such uproar. I have finally decided at the last hour that if I am to report Monday so be it.

Perhaps God has an appointment for me there. Maybe I will be blessed or possibly used by God to bless someone. Time to be more open-minded about my daily coming and going. Time does not belong to me but to God.  He is the reason I breathed through the night and woke to face another day this morning.

So the next time you feel inconvenienced by life, stop and thank the Giver of Life.  Be sensitive to His direction in whatever circumstances  you find yourself facing.  Think of how Paul and Silas faced imprisonment for His Lord…with testimony, prayer, and singing. “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.”  (Acts 16:25) Don’t waste time complaining. Instead, purposely devote time to praise and thanksgiving for the countless blessings we take for granted everyday.

“To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”  (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

Look for an opening to share the love of Christ wherever you find yourself, and be an example for Him. Focus on His purposes instead of minor inconveniences. Use life’s times of being shaken up like a snow globe for God’s glory.  Remember He has a plan, and you don’t want to miss out. To God Be the Glory!




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