Tear Down Those Fences!


In one yard of my neighborhood, it has become quite obvious that the war is on with the deer that roam through munching the shrubs and flowers to the ground. Newly landscaped flower beds have been planted by these neighbors over the summer and then surrounded with tall wire cages to protect the work, investment and potential beauty of these flower beds.

Having experienced the destruction of my own flower beds, I can understand their actions. However, it seems a bit counterproductive. Their first step is to fill the area with beauty only to turn around and distract from that beauty with the fencing. Now, granted the deer will be unable to cause their usual destruction, but at what cost? Will passersby notice the beauty of the flowers or the presence of the fence?

As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us and we are filled with the Fruits of the Spirit…love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) These are things of beauty within our very being! But are we willing to put them on display in our lives in order to draw others to Jesus. Or do we have them fenced off inside of ourselves?

Are our fences built of fear, busyness, self focus keeping the world distracted from the beauty of Christ that dwells within us? With God’s help, let’s tear down some fences today so that His beauty can shine through. May people look at us and see Him! Kick those fences to the nearest ditch! What lies behind them needs to be seen in the world today! To God Be the Glory!




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