Choose Christ First Today

IMG_9210I was just wondering about what we have ahead of us today. Will it be a “Mary” kind of day or more of a “Martha” day? If our heads are already spinning with “to do” lists and we are tired before we ever leave the house just thinking about the tasks ahead, then it will definitely be a “Martha” kind of day. Like Martha we will be “distracted by all the preparations that had(?)to be made” when Jesus came to her home. (Luke 10: 38-41)

It is understandable that “Mary” days are hard to experience. The pace of this world is so very hectic and the demands of life lurk around every corner until we believe that there is no other choice…that “Mary” days are just impossible. Satan is winning in perpetuating that lie! In Christ we have the power to decide the destiny of our day and how the 24 hours in it are spent.

Today, let’s make a firm decision to “choose what is better.” Let’s begin our day like Mary at the feet of Jesus. What better place to start than in His presence. Not only might we find our day going much smoother, but God is pleased with the sacrifice of our time and our longing for Him. You will be blessed!

The “Martha” tasks will still exist.” Ask Jesus’ help in ordering your day according to His plans. You may even find that some things on that list were not as urgent as you thought. He will guide you, and the day will hold more sane, peaceful moments. Blessings! To God Be the Glory!

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