Day One With Jesus

IMG_8691I was in my shower this morning, reveling in the fact that it is FRIDAY and singing along with some KLOVE! (101.3) Then, one of my favorite songs came on…one that makes me happy and causes me to dance a little. The title is “Day One.” I’ve included it below. Isn’t is awesome knowing no matter what our yesterdays held in Christ today is the first day of the rest of our lives. His mercies are new every morning and don’t even get me started about how grace figures into all of this..unmerited, unending, never failing, bought by the blood of Christ GRACE! Hallelujah!

Now we have even more reason than the fact that it is Friday to celebrate! Enjoy the first day of the rest of your life. Jesus has got you by the hand. Be excited to see where He leads today! Your future has begun…DAY ONE!



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