In Spite of Me

God is such a patient Heavenly Father, especially regarding my inconsistencies. I walk by His side for a while, but then like a willful child I jerk my hand away from His and reach for the reins. My demand for expediency in what I want takes first place and I get too big for my britches. I eventually find myself in the mud with the pigs like the Prodigal Child (Luke 15:11-32), miserable and longing for my Father. I come to my senses, repent and sheepishly slip my hand back into His welcoming, waiting hand. (Isaiah 41:13)   

On long road trips alone, I listen to Christian music, Joyce Meyer, and Beth Moore. Church in a car! Worship and praise in song followed by inspired words from anointed teachers.  Yesterday, God used Joyce to remind me (once again) I am not in control, never will be, and shouldn’t even want to be!  In my car, I prayed for God’s help in overcoming my yo-yo existence. It leaves me exhausted and truly only our Father knows best.

The answer to how to handle all those things we seek to control is well explained by Beth Moore. Download her “Living Proof Live” app and listen to the “The Basket Case” series. I am a recovering fixer/controller. Heck, that’s probably actually code for worrier, right!? My favorite part of the series is when Beth suggests that we handle any problem or concern like a “hot potato” and “cast it off to God.” Love the visual that evokes. Here’s a little mantra for you… PRAY, PITCH and PRAISE! I literally pitch my problems toward heaven while I pray.

We all grow closer to God and become more like Christ when we come against Goliath’s in our lives. We can’t have growth and control at the same time because we can’t see down the road to how God will use these tough times. Our job is to keep our eyes on God and not on the problem. The problem blinds us, worries us, makes us want to find a quick way out, and gives Satan a foothold.

The words of the printable above (found under Freebies) are from the movie “The Shack” an allegory based on the book written by Wm. Paul Young. I walked away from the movie realizing that continued focus on my pain and staying in the ditch I was wallowing in kept me from experiencing God’s love, joy and all that His Son, Jesus, died on the cross for me to have.  I have wasted way too much of my life staring at my pain and instead of the Lifter of My Head. (Psalm 3:3)

Better to “cast off” my burdens one at time like a “hot potato” than to drag them behind me in a fifty pound sack or allow them to become a mountain that blocks my view of God. (A joint Beth and Joyce analogy!) Time to armor up (Ephesians 6), fight to keep my eyes on God and follow His lead in the midst of the trials that most certainly will come our way. (John 16:33)  Lets press on, remembering all the while that Heaven awaits us! It will be worth it all when we see Jesus! To God Be the Glory!




2 thoughts on “In Spite of Me

  1. Deborah Ray

    Thank you for these inspiring words, Amy. Oh, how I needed them. I. I’m going through a trial right now. Hànnah is moving to North Carolina next week to be with some friends who are not Christians. It’s breaking my heart, but I’m trying to trust God. Please say a prayer for her, and please keep bringing us your wonderful inspiration. God bless you.

    1. presson1 Post author

      Just no reading this. Hannah is on my prayer list and Always in God’s hands. Give your fear and worry to Him. He is deepening your trust and faith through this trial and you can, you will come through this stronger if you keep your focus on Him. I love you and will be praying.


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