White as Snow

     Living in the South affords us few opportunities for snow.  Just the mention of the word “snow” in the forecast empties grocery shelves of bread and milk and has people pulling out their generators.  Usually our preparation is for naught. The predicted snow and possible ice afford us only rain and mud.  The children’s hopes of a “‘snow day” are dashed and those of us coveting a day off work, peer out the window early in the morning just in case the prediction was accurate. 
     My first glimpse outside this morning held quite the surprise.  The air was filled with beautiful white flakes of snow, silently floating to the ground.  For a moment it did not matter that they were melting on contact in the mud and standing water brought on by the last few days of non-stop rain.  Like a child, I awakened my twenty year old daughter to see the brief beauty of it all. I needed someone with whom to share my excitement!  For a moment she observed and went back to bed. Minutes later the rain returned, but, oh, for a moment the world looked so pure and beautiful!
     We may say we know, but with our hearts do we truly believe that, if we are His children, God sees us as pure, as white, as unique as the snow I witnessed falling this morning. Why do we insist on viewing our lives as dirty puddles of mud instead.  Jesus did not sacrifice His life on the cross for us to mentally wallow in the mud.  When we refuse to accept that God sees us as the righteousness of Christ, we give Satan the victory. As the accuser, Satan traps us into believing that we could never be seen as pure the snow.  He constantly tries to remind you of your past, of deeds done that will supposedly prohibit you from finding favor in God’s eyes.
    Let me remind you that those sins were nailed to the cross. “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us,” Psalm 103:10-11. You are as pure as the new fallen snow in His eyes. “Though your sins be a scarlet, the shall be as white as snow,” Isaiah 1:18. Now get up and shake off all the mud you have piled on yourself and go be a “flake” for Jesus…A beautiful, shining testimony of what God has done in your life.  Let your beauty in Christ draw others to you with excitement far beyond our witnessing a few snowflakes in Dixie.  To God Be the Glory!

Casting Crowns has a beautiful song that captures this message entitled “Wedding Day.”  Let me encourage you to listen to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vo3RUrQytc

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