Insights Form God in a Field of Sunflowers (Part 3)

     My trip to the sunflower field this year did not yield the usual “over the top” number of pictures taken.  An unseasonably cold spring with heavy rainfall followed by a summer of drought had taken its toll on the growth and development on the crop. The plants were half their usual height and a sizable number of them were dead and dying. The ground revealed deep cracks where the lack of rain had rendered it literally split open. God urged me to include the photos of drought as well as those of beauty. Though the unattractive photos would not be found displayed on a wall, they, too, had a story to tell.
     Evidence of what I looked upon brought to mind the obvious importance that water in the form of rain plays in the overall well-being of these sunflowers. This life giving source had been denied, and death was the obvious consequence. This concept not only applies to plant life but to us as well; without water, we, too, will die a physical death. However, the Living Water that we find in Jesus defies death and and promises eternal life. “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14)
      It was odd to see well-developed, beautiful flowers standing alongside the dead and dying plants. If we opened our spiritual eyes, would we not see the same? Though we may be thriving in our Christian life, are there not those around us who are losing the battle. They stand at a dry and thirsty spot of drought in their lives with the ground cracking beneath their feet because their well has run dry.
    If each fallen flower represents a person who dies without knowledge of the living water Jesus can supply, what a tragedy has occurred especially when those of us who are Christians have the ability to be used by God to point them toward the fountain of life, Jesus. Unlike stationary sunflowers, we can and must be proactive in this endeavor. To do this, requires shifting our time and energy from selfishly grooming ourselves to be the prettiest flower in the field to investing in the lives of others.
     Ask God to give you eyes to see and opportunities to “water” those in the field where you stand with His love and grace. Ask Him to give you a heart for the lost and dying cognizant that this is God’s purpose for us. Though Satan wants us to fill our lives with selfish pursuits and stressful busyness, God has such grander plans. Be a bearer of Christ’s living water, spilling from the overabundance of His “spring of life” welling up in you! May the field around you soon thrive eternally.To God Be the Glory!  

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