A Gift From the One Who Knows What I Love

     Through reading my posts you are probably painfully aware from my overabundance of pictures that I love butterflies. What a rainbow of color in flight they are as they gracefully flutter from here to there, one flower to the next, each one a masterpiece in its own right rivaling any Rembrandt. Often you have to be at the right place at the right time to see them before they leave to share their beauty in another location. That is why I know that God had a surprise for me upon my arrival home at the end of a hard day’s work. However, no box could contain this gift He had waiting!
     As I drove into the driveway, there it was poised on a chair located by my back door as though anticipating my arrival.  I smiled, thanked God, and took in its splendor. Of course, my next thought was could I retrieve my camera in time to take a picture before it disappeared! It was a playful thing at first actually swooping down across my hair before choosing a spot on which to settle. Once situated, it seemed to be actively posing for my impromptu photo shoot. My motion and advances to get closer did not startle it one bit. The worries of the day melted away and a huge smile plastered my face. God was so present in that moment, having gifted me with what He knows I love…a butterfly and a photo op with said butterfly!
     Are you tuned in to His presence and love for you enough to be aware that He actively does the same for you? God made you, loves you, knows you down to the smallest of details of discerning what the “butterfly” in your life is. Jeremiah 29:11 says this, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Are you truly seeking, or do the tailor made gifts God sends your way, gifts making evident His presence and His love for you, go unnoticed as you race through your day, your life? God is present everywhere and in all things, even the path of butterflies. Open the eyes of your heart and your own physical eyes and see if you don’t experience His presence, His hand in all things. Maybe then you will find the “butterfly” waiting to be discovered by you.  Don’t forget to say thank you!  To God Be the Glory!


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