There You Are, Lord!


The last several months God has sent some faith and trust building opportunities my way. Thankfully He has carried me through the time when I would have come to the conclusion that the rough spots were some judgment on my behavior instead of God growing me in the likeness of Christ.

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”  (Deuteronomy 31:6)

This verse is proof that through every step of the way, God has been by my side, covering me, loving me.  And I have been searching for Him during these times because I need to feel His presence, seek His wisdom and find His direction.  But through these months God has been a quiet companion, walking by my side.

I have learned that the silence can be a good thing.  There I step more carefully and seek God’s will more intently.  Having experienced trying to live life in my own power, I do not want to experience the pitfalls that accompany that path. Been there, done that!

However, as only God can, He knows when I need encouragement in these times and exactly how to administer that encouragement in a way that speaks so directly to my heart and what I love.  And in those moments I have simply learned to say, “There you are!”

When fourteen Monarch butterflies visit my butterfly bush…”There you are!”  When I walk outside at dawn to witness the brightest star (planet) I have ever seen in the stillness of the morning sky…”There you are.”  On days that my health makes my job difficult to perform, He lightens my patient load…”There you are!  When reading my morning devotion, the message and the accompanying scripture seem written specifically for me… “There you are.”

I write this to encourage you in your walk, reminding you that you are never alone and that God often makes His presence real in the those times He is quiet.  He will orchestrate moments that are tailored made for you, involving things your love, using His intimate relationship with you as His reference point. Seek Him and you will find Him and His outpourings of love for you.

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  (Jeremiah 29:13)

Keep holding His hand. Keep seeking Him. Keep looking for those manifestations of His love and presence when you smile and say…”There you are!”  To God Be the Glory!





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