A Sense of Urgency


Over the course of the next week I feel impressed by God to share these videos with you from YouTube.  They are from a conference at the Billy Graham Training Center called The Cove.  There are two different speakers with one of them being Anne Graham Lotz. The conference is entitled “Blowing the Trumpet” and addresses end time prophecy from the book of Joel.

I could say I stumbled upon this by accident, but with God there are no accidents. The first session has two parts, and I will share them both in this post.  We are all living lives full of activities and responsibilities, but I do not think you will regret setting aside time to hear this series.

The world in which we are living is full of Harbingers of the Lord’s return.  As you listen to these words recorded in 2015, you will be aware of the exponential increase of these harbingers mentioned even in these last few years.  May your heart be quickened to seek God more now than ever and not settle for living in the mundane.  Cry out to Him for yourself, for this nation, and for the lost who have no hope without Christ.

May God bless you and the hearing of His word.  Check back tomorrow for part three.

https://youtu.be/6arOTDg1tcg    (You will have to go to YouTube and connect to this link.  It would not copy over. Look for Session One: Blowing the Trumpet.)

3 thoughts on “A Sense of Urgency

    1. presson1 Post author

      Thanks for giving me another chance after a long absence. The sessions are so good! I have readers from different countries. Hope this helps to spread God’s word.


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